Any language setup, other than the original American English, has two issues:
standard.There is much more to Hebrew than that (like right to left, geometry in X-Windows,etc), but this HOWTO (at least for the first draft) deals only with the basic issues.
More information can be found in the various "national" HOWTOs (German, Danish, etc.) and in the ISO 8859-1 HOWTO (
Most of this file is taken from the first draft by Vlad Moseanu.
Added excerpts from documents from the archive from, and some bug fixes with the help of JCT Linux-il group members.
After the first release of the Hebrew-HOWTO to the Linux-il it contain all the E-mail send to me regarding spelling/grammer and Tex-Xet, Mule and Vim info.
prepared by the help of all the group: Linux-il - 'The Israeli Linux users group' and especially by:
The Linux-il group
Vlad Moseanu
Gili Granot
Harvey J. Stein
Dovie Adler
Gavrie Philipson