11. Websites

11.1. Meta gaming websites

The Linux Game Tome: www.happypenguin.org

About the games themselves.

linuxgames: www.linuxgames.com

Linux gaming news


Linux meta gaming site for German speaking folk.

11.2. Commercial Linux Game Websites

11.2.1. Where to buy commercial games

Tux Games: www.tuxgames.com

Your one stop shop for buying any commercial Linux game (software vendors like Tribsoft and Loki have online shops at their websites too).

ebgames: www.ebgames.com

They've got the best prices for Linux games I've ever seen.

Loki-Software: www.lokigames.com/orders/

Loki maintains an online ordering system for their games (they no longer sell Quake 3).

11.2.2. Who is releasing games for Linux

Loki Software: www.lokigames.com

As the company that brought CTP and quake3 to Linux, Loki is the father of Linux gaming. They were the first and have, by far, the most titles available. Loki ports games to Linux, mostly using the SDL library. They have so many games (I own ALL of them) that I won't even try to describe them all.

Tribsoft: www.tribsoft.com

Currently they only have Jagged Alliance 2, an EXCELLENT rpg/strat which claimed 2+ weeks of my life, but are coming out with Europai Universalis, Majesty and Unfinished Business. As of 3Jan01, Mathieu Pinard of Tribsoft said that he was taking a break and Tribsoft would no longer release games for awhile. He'll still support JA2 but don't expect patches or updates.

Hopkins FBI: www.hopkinsfbi.com

This is my favorite game. More violent than Quake. More nudity than Hustler. More camp than Liberacce. It's a comic book on your monitor. If anyone knows why the author didn't pursue Hopkins II, please tell me!

Terminus: www.vvisions.com/terminus

I bought it but haven't played it yet.

Phantom EFX: www.phantomefx.com

They offer Reel Deal Slots, which is very nicely done! I'm not much for poker/card/gambling games, but this game is impressive. They have other releases, but have since dropped Linux from their list of OS's to publish games for.

Theocracy: www.theocracy.com

A realtime strat where you play an Aztec leader by Ubisoft. You'd never know this game has a Linux port. In 10 minutes of surfing, I just barely found any references to this game being available on Linux. Linux dollars don't mean much here. Not even a mention on happypenguin.org!

Hyperion Software: www.hyperion-software.com

This company has ported Shogo: Mobile Armor Division (an anime inspired Robotech based FPS). They're also in the process of porting SiN, a very cool looking FPS; looks similar to SoF. The demo is awesome, but I heard the project might be stalled. They've ignored all my emails.

Illwinter Software: www.illwinter.com

Illwinter software, formerly Bogus Game Design, specializes in turn based strategy games for Linux, Solaris and Windows. They're working on HP-UX. They currently have Dominions and Conquest of Elysium in their list of titles.

Introversion Software: www.introversion.co.uk

They have only a single release which is all the talk of the gaming scene (as of Jan 2001) named Uplink. Uplink is a simulated hacking tool, which allows you to perform various acts of high-tech computer crime. You make money by hiring out your skills as a freelance hacker.

11.3. Game Specific Websites Of Note

First Person Shooters


Linux meta-site for first person shooters


Linux meta-site for first person shooters


Linux Quake I effort


Half-life on Linux

Three main Doom efforts


A GPL cross platform Doom engine


A GPL cross platform Doom engine


Non-GPL Doom engine (source available)

Interactive Fiction


Scott Adam's mebsite


Infocom on Linux website


Very cool interactive fiction site

11.4. Other websites

DRI Homesite: www.dri.sourceforge.net

If you're having problems with hardware acceleration, the DRI User Guide is mandatory reading.

Linux Game Publishing: www.linuxgamepublishing.com

Linux Publishing doesn't sell directly to the public, but provides professional game publishing to authors of publishing. I think this means disk copying, packaging and selling to retailers.

Mesa Library Homesite: www.mesa3d.org

Mesa homesite; see question 2.3.

XFree86 Homesite: www.xfree86.org

XFree86.org site

SDL Library Homesite: www.libsdl.org

SDL's Homepage; see question 2.8.

OpenAL Homesite: www.openal.org

OpenAL's website; see question 2.11.

GGI Homesite: www.ggi-project.org

GGI's homepage; see question 2.9.

It's generally easier to get native code working, but for software which which will never be ported, there's always emulation.


dosemu's website. dosemu emulates DOS and some win32 applications.


wine's website. Emulates win32 applications.


These people are implementing DirectX within Wine's framework. They have an interesting business model. Their code will, at first, be commercial. They'll release code every so often under the open-source wine license.