As of July 1, 1995 I finished up a 3 year stint as a General Surgery resident at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. It was... an experience. And as of July 1 I've hung up the stethoscope; I'm afraid I won't be doing gallbladders anymore...
Now, it's off to Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) for some catch-me-up courses in Computer Science and then it's off to somewhere for a Medical Informatics training program. Yeah, I'm going to miss going to the OR and taking care of patients... but I'm pretty excited about heading off into Informatics. And I'll actually get to see my wife occasionally ;-)
I owe a deep debt of gratitude to innumerable people, but two stand out:
Dr. Lester Williams, Chief of Surgery at the St. Thomas Hospital in Nashville, for his unflagging belief in doing what is right, and
Dr. John Tarpley, Head of Surgery at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Nashville, for his tireless encouragement, example of excellence, and the occasional, but well deserved, kick in the pants.
... and, of course, to Linus Torvalds for one awesome OS! Thanks.
Any Linux affectionados out there, drop me a note if you've got ideas, suggestions, criticisms, or just want to chat about Linux.
Drop me a note at:
(John M. Fisk), or