"Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun! "

 The MailBag!

 Date: Tue, 06 Aug 1996 08:45:27 -0500
From: "Andrew R. Cook" andy@anchtk.chm.anl.gov
To: fiskjm@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu
Subject: Linux Gazette comment

Hi John,

Thanks for taking the time for putting together the Gazette. I hope you have some time left over for doing work for your employer !!! I trust/hope that Phil Hughes will be able to keep the Gazette going ... I've certainly enjoyed the Gazette over the last year. One comment though. In the most recent issue (#8) the format has changed so that the Gazette is no longer (easily) printable, but is split among many pages. I know this is supposed to be an e-zine, but I liked the old format better :-(. I'd hazard to guess that I'm not alone in this, but probably in the minority..... Any chance of putting an organized single postscript file on the ftp site? That way those of us loosers who like to read from paper at our leisure (and don't have laptops, sigh..) can still easily print out a copy of the Gazette. This may understandably not fly with Phil, but I thought I'd suggest it and see what happens anyway!

Thanks again for all your work!

-Andy Cook

(Yes, you are in the minority, and I must say it is much easier for me if the Gazette is in a multi-part format. As a result, it's very likely to stay in multi-part format. However, you should note that it can be downloaded as one file from the SSC ftp site -- ftp.ssc.com/lg/. So you could download it, convert it to postscript, print it and read at your leisure. We're not going to do all the work for you -- that would take all the fun out of it. :-) --Editor)

 Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 20:44:20 -0500 (CDT)
From: Larry Ayers layers@vax2.rain.gen.mo.us
To: gazette@ssc.com
Subject: A Few Choice Gleanings From the FTP Sites

This month I've found some really nice utilities and programs in the incoming directories of the Linux archive sites. If any of you LG readers find (or have written) a program you're excited about, and don't have the time or inclination to write a piece for the Gazette, drop me a line telling me what you like about it and its location. I'll include a piece on it in next month's issue.


(Larry has done a great job as usual on letting us know about new products and releases. Thanks, Larry, for your contributions. --Editor)

 Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 14:27:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: hans@mlsoft.com (Hans D. Swildens)
To: gazette@ssc.com
Subject: Microline Software Free LINUX GUI Version

I don't know if you are aware, but we have a free LINUX advanced GUI toolkit (based on the Microline Widget Library for Motif) on our ftp site www.mlsoft.com. The MWL was used to build Netscape Navigator for UNIX and is used for mission critial applications by AT&T, 3Com, Merrill Lynch, Canon, Netscape, Sun, SGI, etc.

Please download our free LINUX version. We would like to be reviewed or mentioned in the Linux Journal to get the word out. Since we are giving it away for free, we can not pay for an ad, etc. We welcome your feedback and hope that the LINUX community enjoys the free download.

Hans Swildens
Microline Software

(Okay, here's your chance to see your name in print. Let me know that you have downloaded the software and want to do the review. I'll see that it gets in both Linux Gazette and Linux Journal. First come, first serve. --Editor)

 Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 12:25:02 -0400
From: MikKass@aol.com
To: gazette@ssc.com
Subject: MindQ Publishing Inc.'s Intro to Programming Java Applets

Dear Editor:

"I'm a programmer and I want to spend a few hours getting acquainted with Java applet programming. Is there a faster way to learn than books?" "I'm not a programmer, but I want to learn about Java without wading through Dweeb books. Is there a way?" "My programmers are learning Java and I want to keep up without being overwhelmed. How do I do that?"

These are comments we overheard at the Web Interactive Show in New York this month. The point? It's not just hard-core techies who want to learn about Java--or have time to read the books. So where do the rest of us go?

MindQ Publishing Inc.'s "Intro. to Programming Java Applets" is a multimedia CD-ROM tutorial designed to teach all of the above--using animation, audio, video and hypertext. Experienced programmers can use the hyperlinked table of contents to find exactly what they need. Newbies can jump on any one of five tours. People inbetween can use a combo. All of them can use the Java Developers Kit, or the Launch button to go right to other Java-related programs or websites (when the Launch capability is activated). The program retails for $49.95, but I can provide you with an eval copy. Please email me: MikKass@aol.com, or call me (203)323-4166. Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you.

Michael Kassin

The following letters are from authors who will be having articles in the Linux Gazette soon.

 Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 19:07:19 -0400
From: Randy Appleton randy@dcs.uky.edu
To: gazette@ssc.com Subject: Re: WANTED: Linux Gazette Needs Writers

I might be the sort of person you are looking for. I've been hacking on the kernel since around version 0.8. I'm a new professor looking to get my name published. I'm teaching a class in System Administration using Linux, and I've written before. Does this sound like the qualifications for writers for the Linux Journal? How do I get an article in the Linux Journal?


(Sounds qualified to me. See the Author section on the Front Page for more information. --Editor)

 Date: Sun, 18 Aug 1996 21:46:00 -0500 (CDT)
From: "jwhyche" jwhyche@scott.net
To: gazette@ssc.com
Subject: Writers Needed

I read on Usenet where you are looking for writers for Linux Gazette. If you would send me some information on what is required.

Thank you,

(Again, see the information found in the Author section on the Front Page. --Editor)

 Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 13:37:12 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Olof Svensson d95olofs@dtek.chalmers.se
To: gazette@ssc.com
Subject: Re: WANTED: Linux Gazette Needs Writers


I would like to write some small articles for the Gazette. Like some novice articles that were in the early articles in LJ. Or maybe it is interesting to review some new products or small articles on how to set up different network features.

Yours sincerely, Olof S (and of course I will spellcheck my articles)

(Spellchecking is nice -- also formatting them in HTML. --Editor)

 Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 17:15:41 -0500
From: Morrissey moz@hti.net
To: gazette@ssc.com
Subject: Re: tips & tricks

I would like to contribute to the Linux Gazette. I have just put a link to the Linux Gazette because of the tips and tricks articles!

"I wear blue on the outside, 'cause blue  |Richard
is how I feel in the inside." --morrissey.|N=FA=F1ez
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
http://ww.hti.net/~moz/moz.htm ;personal page
http://ww.hti.net/~moz/        ;business page

(Thanks for the link. Mr. Nunoz's home page is pretty cool. --Editor)

 Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 14:06:54 +0200
From: Manuel Soriano dpsys10@dapsys.ch
To: gazette@ssc.com
Subject: Ideas for Linux Gazette

Hello Marjorie

First, excuse me, my english is not very fluent.

I have several articles, covering general topics, of the intallation and configuration of Linux, test of soft, etc... but all in spanish.

My idea is to make a new section on Linux Gazette in others languages than english.

This will put LG in a new dimension and, why not, LJ :-)

What do you think about ?


                \|/         dpsys10@dapsys.ch
                O-O         manu@ctv.es
    * Manuel Soriano             * El Perello/Valencia/Spain *

(Why not, indeed. Let's try it. An article from Manuel will appear in Issue 10. --Editor)


This page written and maintained by the Editor of Linux Gazette,