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4. Installation of Binkley.

4.1 Configuration/Installation of the caller

  1. The first thing to do is: change directory to /bt do
    su root
    make install
    you should get in /usr/bin:
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     fido       238983 Sep 15 18:04 /usr/bin/bt
    and in /usr/lib/binkley:
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root          742 Sep 16 10:04 binkley.cfg
    -rw-r--r--   1 uucp     root          108 Sep 16 10:10
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     root        12332 Sep 15 16:20 binkley.lng
    -rw-r--r--   1 uucp     root          124 Mar 20  2029 binkley.scd
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root        14423 Sep 15 16:20 btctl
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root        13813 Sep 15 16:20 btlng
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root        15649 Sep 15 16:20 english.txt
    -rwsr-xr-x   1 uucp     fido         1603 Sep 15 16:20 fido-toconv
  2. File /usr/lib/binkley/binkley.cfg
    (1)Port 2
    (2)baud     38400
    LockBaud 38400
    (3)Init ATZ0|~AT&K6|~
    (4)Prefix ATDP
    PreDial ~
    PreInit |v``^``
    LogLevel 5
    PollTries 10
    PollDelay 600
    BoxType 0
    ReadHoldTime 1
    (5)System seudonimo_fido
    (6)Sysop tu_nombre
    StatusLog    /home/fido/fnet/log/binkley.log  200
    Downloads    /home/fido/fnet/inbound/
    CaptureFile  /home/fido/fnet/log/session.log
    NetFile      /home/fido/fnet/inbound/
    Hold         /home/fido/fnet/outbound/
    Nodelist     /home/fido/fnet/nodelist/
    (7)Address 2:346/[email protected] 5207 tel_del_boss
    (8)Key !the_passwd 2:346/207
    (9)Domain outbound
    Address 25:946/[email protected]
    Key !the_passwd 25:946/100
    Domain outbound
    Address 93:346/[email protected]
    Key !the_passwd 93:346/101
    Domain outbound
    You may start with this file. Just change what you need and take away the numbers in parenthesis.
  3. Include the following line in your ~/.profile
    export BINKLEY=/usr/lib/binkley
    . ~/.profile
    (you need to do this just now. The next time you enter as fido you'll already have BINKLEY initialized)
  4. Execute

4.2 Problems

If you run into troubles, for sure it's about permissions or a badly defined path. Check them out.

  1. The most common error is:
    cannot re-open logfile
    The owner is usually: usuario.uucp. The permissions: 664
  2. Another rather common error: Here it might be that the assigned tty doesn't have the appropriate permissions. Specially if this had been used by getty, normally it should get permissions to read and write for everybody. The message was:
    tty port can not be initialized
    chmod 666 /dev/ttyS0  
    or ttyS1; (COM1: or COM2:).
  3. For RedHat users:
    ln -s /var/spool /usr

If you get a screen similar to frodo you could do the following:

ALT-Y, call your bbs, it'll leave your mail there and fetch what you got. Then you just need to execute the commands mentioned for mail handling.

If it appears to have fallen asleep during the FIRST file transmission, hit the ESC key to wake it up.

4.3 ``Templates''.

This is my templates file $FNET/msgbase/template:

#if to (AreaMgr|FileScan)
#; ********** Handling of AreaMgr- and FileScan-Mails **********
#if group (--InterNet--)
#; ********** Handling of  Internet-Mails **********
How are you #1E!

#if mode (reply)
In <#a> #f wrote:


#; ********** Handling of other Mails **********
Hi #1E!

#if mode (reply|forward)
#if mode (netreply)
That happy day #d, #f said to #e
in #a concerning "#s":
#if mode (^reply)
On #d, #f would write to #e
concerning "#s":
#if mode (forward)

Even if it doesn't look like, it's a forward
 * Message from #f to #e
 *         on #d to #t
 *         concerning "#s"
 *         in #a
                                     (o o)



#if group (--Intern--|^$)
#if from Manuel Soriano


                0-0         [email protected]
    * Manuel Soriano             * El Perello/Valencia/Spain *

Once created your area directories, you can create an origin file in each of them, and insert one or several lines (but not more than 70 chars) referring to your message's origin.

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