//ident ~/.fvwm95rc-cpp Time-stamp: <97/08/20 20:00:27 bav> -*- c++ -*-
//                           Gerd Bavendiek  [email protected]  96-08-00
// My initfile for fvwm95 Version 2.0.43a.
// This is based on system.fvwm95rc.
// I did major changes to be able to preprocess this file with cpp and
// to generate .fvwm95rc's for different environments:
// cpp -lang-c++ -D PROFILE=$PROFILE ~/.fvwm95rc-cpp ~/.fvwm95rc
// For better readability I switched to c++-comment-style. 
// All "if"'s depend on the current setting of PROFILE (which in turn is
// set up by my /etc/init.d/netenv). Right now PROFILE can be one of
// the following:
// 10 Tower at home, network plip, Monitor 17", 1024x768
// 20 Desktop in the office, network ethernet, Monitor 17", 1024x768
// 30 Laptop at home, network plip, LCD 640x480
// 31 Laptop in the office, network ethernet, LCD 640x480
// 32 Laptop on customers site, network ethernet, LCD 640x480
// Herein rxvt is used instead of xterm. sudo is used for shutdown /
// reboot.
// Bugs:
// Contains a lot of not really needed stuff.
// -geometry doesn't work for FvwmPager.
// clicking on a minibutton starts the application on the desired page
// ONLY, when you are on page 1 while clicking - should be improved.
// xfig doesn't really work well with 600x420 - but that's my LCD.
// Lot's of others ...
// For more background (and a screenshot), see
// http://www.ssc.com/lg/issue21/fvwm+cpp.html 
// Define -geometry parameters for various applications
#if PROFILE == 30 || PROFILE == 31 || PROFILE == 32 
#define PAGER_GEO = +0+200
#define NS_GEO =600x420+640+480
#define XCONSOLE_GEO 500x40+0+386
#define EMACS_GEO 80x25+0+480
#define GV_GEO 600x420+0+0
#define XFIG_GEO 600x420+0+0
#define XFIG_OPTS  -but_per_row 4 -pwidth 13 -pheight 9.5 
#define ADDRBK_GEO 600x420+0+0
#define KFM_GEO 600x420+640+0
#define QPS_GEO 600x420+1920+480
#define TERMWIN_GEO1 94x27+0+0
#define TERMWIN_GEO2 94x31+1280+0
#define TERMWIN_GEO3 94x31+1920+0
#define TERMWIN_GEO4 94x31+1280+480
#define TERMWIN_GEO5 94x31+1920+480
#define DEF_FONT 6x13
#define PAGER_GEO = +919+635
#define XCONSOLE_GEO 800x80+0+620
#define NS_GEO =950x700+1025+770
#define EMACS_GEO 96x31+0+767
#define XFIG_GEO 990x717+0+0
#define ADDRBK_GEO 800x620+0+0
#define KFM_GEO 600x420+1024+0
#define QPS_GEO 950x700+3072+768
#define TERMWIN_GEO1 94x28+0+0
#define TERMWIN_GEO2 90x30+2048+0
#define TERMWIN_GEO3 90x30+3072+0
#define TERMWIN_GEO4 90x30+2048+768
#define TERMWIN_GEO5 90x30+3072+768
#define DEF_FONT 10x20

// Define terminal window id's
#if PROFILE == 10
#define TERMWIN_ID1 bav@nana
#define TERMWIN_ID2 nana
#define TERMWIN_ID3 lulu
#elif PROFILE == 20
#define TERMWIN_ID1 bav@zaza
#define TERMWIN_ID2 zaza
#define TERMWIN_ID3 jojo
#define TERMWIN_ID4 gigi
#define TERMWIN_ID5 lulu
#elif PROFILE == 30
#define TERMWIN_ID1 bav@lulu
#define TERMWIN_ID2 lulu
#define TERMWIN_ID3 nana
#elif PROFILE == 31
#define TERMWIN_ID1 bav@lulu
#define TERMWIN_ID2 lulu
#define TERMWIN_ID3 jojo
#define TERMWIN_ID4 gigi
#define TERMWIN_ID5 rw.sni.de
#elif PROFILE == 32
#define TERMWIN_ID1 bav@lulu
#define TERMWIN_ID2 lulu
#define TERMWIN_ID3 abba
#define TERMWIN_ID4 bebe
#define TERMWIN_ID5 aaaa

// Fonts - one for window titles, another for icons, another for menus
WindowFont      -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
IconFont        fixed
MenuFont        -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

// Set the default window colors. The syntax is:
//  DefaultColors winforecolor winbackcolor titleforecolor titlebackcolor
// where:
//  winbackcolor    is the background (border) color of all windows,
//                  including the menu windows 
//  winforecolor    is used for the menu text
//  titlebackcolor  is the background color used for title bars of 
//                  non selected windows
//  titleforecolor  is the color of the title text of non selected windows
DefaultColors   black #c0c0c0 #c0c0c0 grey50
MenuColors      black #c0c0c0 white #000080

// Text and background color for the title bar of the active (selected) window
HilightColors   white #000080

// Text and background color for the title bar of sticky windows
StickyColors    white #60c080

// You can also use the Style command to set the colors of individual
// title bars of some non-selected windows

//Style "*" ForeColor //c0c0c0
//Style "*" BackColor grey50


// Set up the major operating modes

//Style "*" ClickToFocus
// Comment the above and uncomment one of the following if you prefer
// focus follow mouse. Also, if you want auto-raise enabled, uncomment
// the appropiate line in InitFunction (see below).
//Style "*" MouseFocus
Style "*" SloppyFocus

// If we use the taskbar we don't need the icons :-)
Style "*" NoIcon
Style "*" MWMFunctions
Style "*" HintOverride
Style "*" MWMDecor
Style "*" DecorateTransient

OpaqueMoveSize 100
EdgeScroll 100 100
EdgeResistance 10000 0

// RandomPlacement prevents user interaction while placing windows:
Style "*" RandomPlacement

// NoPPosition instructs fvwm to ignore the PPosition field in window 
// geometry hints. Emacs annoyingly sets PPosition to (0,0)!
Style "*" NoPPosition


// Set the desk top size in units of physical screen size
DeskTopSize 4x2


// Module path and paths to the icons
// Paths are a colon-separated list, just like regular unix PATH
ModulePath /usr/local/lib/X11/fvwm95

//ModulePath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm95/:/usr/local/lib/X11/fvwm95/
PixmapPath /usr/local/mini-icons
//PixmapPath /usr/include/X11/pixmaps/:/usr/local/mini-icons/
//IconPath   /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/:/usr/local/icons/
IconPath /usr/local/icons

// Set the decoration styles and window options
// If compatible styles are set for a single window in multiple Style
// commands, then the styles are ORed together. If conflicting styles
// are set, the last one specified is used.

// These commands should command before any menus or functions are defined,
// and before the internal pager is started.

// Default width.
Style "*" BorderWidth 5, HandleWidth 5

Style "Fvwm*"        NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "FvwmPager"    NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListHit
Style "Fvwm Pager"   NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListHit
Style "FvwmTalk"     Title, WindowListHit
Style "FvwmConsole"  Title, WindowListHit
Style "Fvwm Pager"   StaysOnTop, NoHandles
Style "FvwmBanner"   StaysOnTop
Style "FvwmButtons"  NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, BorderWidth 5
Style "*lock"        NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "xbiff"        NoTitle,            Sticky, WindowListSkip

Style "xconsole"     NoTitle

Style "Hifs" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, StaysOnTop, WindowListSkip

Style "*"            TitleIcon mini-x2.xpm
Style "*xterm*"      TitleIcon mini-term.xpm
Style "rxvt"         TitleIcon mini-term.xpm
Style "kcalc"        TitleIcon mini-calc.xpm
Style "xsession"     TitleIcon mini-bx2.xpm
Style "xv"           TitleIcon mini-xv.xpm
Style "Netscape"     TitleIcon mini-nscape.xpm
Style "xmag"         TitleIcon mini-zoom.xpm
Style "textedit"     TitleIcon mini-edit.xpm
Style "Cedit"        TitleIcon mini-edit.xpm
Style "tkps"         TitleIcon mini-run.xpm
Style "Ghostview"    TitleIcon mini-gv.xpm
Style "Xcolorsel"    TitleIcon mini-colors.xpm
Style "IDL*"         TitleIcon mini-zoom.xpm
Style "xeyes"        TitleIcon mini-eyes.xpm
Style "*fm*"         TitleIcon mini-filemgr.xpm
// xman resource names
Style "topBox"       TitleIcon mini-book1.xpm
Style "help"         TitleIcon mini-book2.xpm
Style "manualBrowser" TitleIcon mini-book2.xpm
// xpaint resource names
Style "xpaint"       TitleIcon mini-palette.xpm
Style "Canvas"       TitleIcon mini-paint.xpm
Style "fatbits"      TitleIcon mini-paint.xpm
Style "filebrowser"  TitleIcon mini-ofolder.xpm

Style "Explorer"     TitleIcon mini-ofolder.xpm
Style "FvwmPager"    TitleIcon mini-pager.xpm
Style "XDbx"         TitleIcon mini-bug2.xpm
Style "Workman"      TitleIcon mini-cd.xpm
Style "Mail"         TitleIcon mini-mail.xpm
Style "AcroRead"     TitleIcon mini-pdf.xpm
Style "NcFtp"        TitleIcon mini-ftp.xpm
Style "XbmBrowser"   TitleIcon mini-paint.xpm
Style "Bitmap"       TitleIcon mini-paint.xpm
Style "Pixmap"       TitleIcon mini-paint.xpm
Style "XClipboard"   TitleIcon mini-clipboard.xpm


// Stuff to do at start-up

// Depends on current setting of PROFILE

DestroyFunc "InitFunction" 
#if PROFILE == 30
AddToFunc "InitFunction" \
"I"     Exec xsetroot -solid turquoise4 -cursor_name top_left_arrow &
+ "I" Exec xconsole -font 6x10 -geometry XCONSOLE_GEO -sb -file /dev/xconsole &
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry 94x28+0+0 -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb -vb -title TERMWIN_ID1 -n TERMWIN_ID1 -cr Yellow3 &
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry TERMWIN_GEO2 -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb  -vb -title TERMWIN_ID2 -n TERMWIN_ID2 -cr Red3 &
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry TERMWIN_GEO3 -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb  -vb -title TERMWIN_ID3 -n TERMWIN_ID3 -cr Magenta3 &
+ "I"   Module FvwmButtons MiniButtons
+ "I"   Module FvwmTaskBar
+ "I"  Module FvwmAuto 700
+ "I"   Module FvwmPager 0 0
#elif PROFILE == 10
AddToFunc "InitFunction" \
"I"     Exec xsetroot -solid turquoise4 -cursor_name top_left_arrow &
+ "I" Exec xconsole -font 6x10 -geometry XCONSOLE_GEO -sb -file /dev/xconsole &
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry 94x28+0+0 -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb -vb -title TERMWIN_ID1 -n TERMWIN_ID1 -cr Yellow3 &
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry TERMWIN_GEO2 -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb  -vb -title TERMWIN_ID2 -n TERMWIN_ID2 -cr Red3 &
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry TERMWIN_GEO3 -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb  -vb -title TERMWIN_ID3 -n TERMWIN_ID3 -cr Magenta3 &
+ "I"   Module FvwmButtons MiniButtons
+ "I"   Module FvwmTaskBar
+ "I"  Module FvwmAuto 700
+ "I"   Module FvwmPager 0 0
AddToFunc "InitFunction" \
"I"     Exec xsetroot -solid turquoise4 -cursor_name top_left_arrow &
+ "I" Exec xconsole -font 6x10 -geometry XCONSOLE_GEO -sb -file /dev/xconsole &
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry 94x28+0+0 -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb -vb -title TERMWIN_ID1 -n home -cr Yellow3 &
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry TERMWIN_GEO2 -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb  -vb -title TERMWIN_ID2 -n TERMWIN_ID2 -cr Red3 &
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry TERMWIN_GEO3 -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb  -vb -title TERMWIN_ID3 -n TERMWIN_ID3 -cr Magenta3 &
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry TERMWIN_GEO4 -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb  -vb -title TERMWIN_ID4 -n TERMWIN_ID4 -cr Green3 &
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry TERMWIN_GEO5 -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb  -vb -title TERMWIN_ID5 -n TERMWIN_ID5 -cr Blue3 &
+ "I"   Module FvwmButtons MiniButtons
+ "I"   Module FvwmTaskBar
+ "I"  Module FvwmAuto 700
+ "I"   Module FvwmPager 0 0

DestroyFunc "RestartFunction"
AddToFunc "RestartFunction" \
"I"     Module FvwmButtons
+ "I"   Module FvwmTaskBar


// Now define some handy complex functions

// This one moves and then raises the window if you drag the mouse,
// only raises the window if you click,  or does a RaiseLower if you double 
// click

DestroyFunc "Move-or-Raise"
AddToFunc "Move-or-Raise" \
"M"     Move
+ "M"   Raise
+ "C"   Raise
//+ "D" RaiseLower
+ "D"   Maximize 100 98

// This one maximizes vertically if you click (leaving room for the FvwmButtons
// bar at the bottom, or does a full maximization if you double click, or a
// true full vertical maximization if you just hold the mouse button down.

DestroyFunc "Maximize-Func"
AddToFunc "Maximize-Func" \
"M"     Maximize 0 98
+ "C"   Maximize 0 80
+ "D"   Maximize 100 98

// This one moves and then lowers the window if you drag the mouse,
// only lowers the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you double 
// click

DestroyFunc "Move-or-Lower"
AddToFunc "Move-or-Lower" \
"M"     Move
+ "M"   Lower
+ "C"   Lower
+ "D"   RaiseLower

// This one moves or (de)iconifies:

DestroyFunc "Move-or-Iconify"
AddToFunc "Move-or-Iconify" \
"M"     Move
+ "D"   Iconify

// This one resizes and then raises the window if you drag the mouse,
// only raises the window if you click,  or does a RaiseLower if you double 
// click

DestroyFunc "Resize-or-Raise"
AddToFunc "Resize-or-Raise" \
"M"     Resize
+ "M"   Raise
+ "C"   Raise
+ "D"   RaiseLower

// This creates the "system" menu for the title-bar window-ops pop-up

DestroyFunc "windows_ops_func"
AddToFunc "window_ops_func" \
"C"     PopUp Window-Ops2
+ "M"   PopUp Window-Ops2
+ "D"   Delete  


// Now define the menus - defer bindings until later

//--------- Taskbar's start menu

DestroyMenu "StartMenu"
AddToMenu "[email protected]@^#808080^" \
"&Programs%programs.xpm%"       Popup Programs
+ "&Documents%documents.xpm%"   Popup Documents
+ "&Settings%settings.xpm%"     Popup Settings
+ "&Find%find1.xpm%"            Popup Find
+ "&Help%help.xpm%"             Exec  xman &
+ "&Run...%run.xpm%"            Exec  run &
+ ""                            Nop 
+ "Network%mini-connect.xpm%"   Popup Network
+ "Sh&ut Down%shutdown.xpm%"    Popup Shutdown

//--------- Programs

DestroyMenu "Programs"
AddToMenu "Programs" \
"Accessories%mini-hammer.xpm%"  Popup Accessories
+ "Text Editors%mini-edit.xpm%"         Popup Editors
+ "File managers%mini-filemgr.xpm"      Popup FileManagers
+ "Games%mini-happy.xpm%"               Popup Games
+ "Graphic processing%mini-paint.xpm%"  Popup Graphics
+ "Internet%mini-connect.xpm%"          Popup Internet
+ "Multimedia%mini-cd.xpm%"             Popup Multimedia
+ "Shells%mini-term.xpm%"               Popup Shells
+ "Scientific applications%mini-question.xpm" Popup SciApps
+ "Viewers%mini-eye.xpm%"               Popup Viewers
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Window manager modules%mini-modules.xpm%"    Popup Module-Popup
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Others"                              Popup Others

//--------- Accessories

DestroyMenu "Accessories"
AddToMenu "Accessories" \
"View Running processes%mini-run.xpm%" Exec xterm -font 7x14 \
                                      -bg \#c0c0c0 -fg black \
                                      -T Top -n Top -e top & 
+ "Control processes%mini-hex.xpm%"     Exec tkps &
+ "Hifs%mini-eyes.xpm%"                 Exec xterm -ls -bg \#c0c0c0 -fg black \
                                           -T Hifs -name Hifs -geometry 26x24 \
                                           -e hifs &
+ "System load%mini-perf.xpm%"          Exec xload &
+ "Memory usage%mini-perf.xpm%"         Exec xmem &
+ "Calculator%mini-calc.xpm%"           Exec kcalc &
+ "Manual pages%mini-book1.xpm%"        Exec xman &
+ "Magnifying glass%mini-zoom.xpm%"     Exec xmag &
+ "Oclock%mini-clock.xpm%"              Exec oclock &
+ "Xclock%mini-clock.xpm%"              Exec xclock &
+ "Xgrab%mini-camera.xpm%"              Exec xgrab &
+ "Xxgdb%mini-bug2.xpm%"                Exec xxgdb &
+ "Xclipboard%mini-clipboard.xpm%"      Exec xclipboard &
+ "View colormap%mini-colors.xpm%"      Exec xcolormap &
+ "Color viewer%mini-colors.xpm%"       Exec xcolorsel &
+ "Font viewer%mini-font.xpm%"          Exec xfontsel &

//--------- Games and amusements

DestroyMenu "Games"
AddToMenu "Games" \
"Maze%mini-maze.xpm%"           Exec maze &
+ "Spider%mini-espada.xpm%"     Exec exec spider &
+ "Chess%mini-slon.xpm%"        Exec xboard &
+ "Xlander%mini-xlander.xpm%"   Exec exec xlander &
+ "Xmahjongg%mini-xmahjongg.xpm%" Exec exec xmahjongg &
+ "Tetris%mini-tetris.xpm%"     Exec xtetris &
+ "Hextris%mini-hextris.xpm%"   Exec exec xhextris &
+ "" Nop
+ "Amusements"                  Popup Amusements

DestroyMenu "Amusements"
AddToMenu "Amusements" \
"Eyes%mini-eyes.xpm%"           Exec xeyes &
+ "X logo%mini-bx2.xpm%"        Exec xlogo &
+ "Xroach%mini-roach.xpm%"      Exec exec xroach &
+ "Fractint%mini-fractal.xpm%"  Exec rxvt -fn DEF_FONT -e xfractint map=chroma & 
+ "Xsnow%mini-xsnow.xpm%"       Exec xsnow &
+ "Desktop cat%mini-cat.xpm%"   Exec xcat &

//--------- Multimedia

DestroyMenu "Multimedia"
AddToMenu "Multimedia" \
"CD player%mini-cdlabel.xpm%"   Exec exec workman &

//--------- Viewers

DestroyMenu "Viewers"
AddToMenu "Viewers" \
"Ghostview (Postcript)%mini-gv.xpm%"    Exec ghostview &
+ "Acrobat (PDF)%mini-pdf.xpm%"         Exec acroread &
+ "Xview (images)%mini-xv.xpm%"         Exec xv &
+ "Color viewer%mini-colors.xpm%"       Exec xcolormap &
+ "Font viewer%mini-font.xpm%"          Exec xfontsel &
+ "Pixmap browser%mini-paint.xpm%"      Exec xbmbrowser &

//--------- Internet

DestroyMenu "Internet"
AddToMenu "Internet" \
"Netscape%mini-nscape.xpm%"     Exec netscape -geometry 790x543+0+0 &
+ "Mail (Pine)%mini-mail.xpm%"  Exec rxvt -name Mail -T Mail -ls -fn 8x13 -e pine -i &
+ "NcFTP%mini-ftp.xpm%"         Exec rxvt -name NcFtp -T FTP -ls -fn 8x13 -e ncftp &

//--------- Editors

DestroyMenu "Editors"
AddToMenu "Editors" \
"Textedit%mini-edit.xpm%"       Exec textedit -geometry 630x490+95+5 &
+ "Cedit%mini-edit.xpm%"        Exec /usr/local/cedit/cedit &
+ "Xedit%mini-edit.xpm%"        Exec xedit &

//--------- Graphics

DestroyMenu "Graphics"
AddToMenu "Graphics" \
"Bitmap editor%mini-paint.xpm%" Exec bitmap &
+ "Pixmap editor%mini-paint.xpm%" Exec pixmap &
+ "Xview%mini-xv.xpm%"            Exec xv &
+ "Xfig%mini-xfig.xpm%"           Exec xfig &
+ "Paint%mini-palette.xpm%"       Exec xpaint &

//--------- Scientific applications

DestroyMenu "SciApps"
AddToMenu "SciApps" \
"IDL%mini-zoom.xpm%"            Exec xterm -T "IDL prompt" -name IDL \
                                   -font "-*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-12-*" \
                                   -e xterm_idl &
+ "IDL tool%mini-zoom.xpm%"     Exec xidl &
+ "GNU plot%mini-zoom.xpm%"     Exec xterm -T "GNU plot" -name GNUplot \
                                   -font "-*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-12-*" \
                                   -e gnuplot &

//--------- File managers

DestroyMenu "FileManagers"
AddToMenu "FileManagers" \
"Explorer%mini-ofolder.xpm%"     Exec kfm &

//--------- Shells

DestroyMenu "Shells"
AddToMenu "Shells" \
"Mini-Xterm           %mini-term.xpm%"  Exec rxvt -ls -sb -vb &
+ "Mini-Xterm (mit Bell)%mini-term.xpm%"        Exec rxvt -ls -sb &
+ ""                                            Nop
+ "Xterm                %mini-term.xpm%"        Exec rxvt -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb -vb &
+ "Xterm      (mit Bell)%mini-term.xpm%"        Exec rxvt -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb &

//--------- Modules

DestroyMenu "Module-Popup"
AddToMenu "Module-Popup" \
"Button bar%mini-ball.xpm%"             Module FvwmButtons
+ "Mini button bar%mini-ball.xpm%"      Module FvwmButtons MiniButtons
//+ "Configure%mini-hammer.xpm%"                Module FvwmConfig
+ "Task bar%mini-exp.xpm"               Module FvwmTaskBar
+ "Identify%mini-question.xpm%"         Module FvwmIdent
+ "Save Desktop%mini-desktop.xpm%"      Module FvwmSave
+ "Debug%mini-bug2.xpm%"                Module FvwmCpp -debug
+ "Pager%mini-pager.xpm%"               Module FvwmPager 0 3
+ "Window List%mini-windows.xpm%"       Module FvwmWinList
+ "Talk%mini-ball.xpm%"                 Module FvwmTalk
+ "Console%mini-ball.xpm%"              Module FvwmConsole -sb -fn 8x13

// bav hinzugefügt
//--------- Network: handle ppp stuff
DestroyMenu "Network"
AddToMenu "Network" \
"Status%mini-ball.xpm%"         Exec rxvt -fn 6x10 -e ~/tools/net-info
+ "Start Relax%mini-ball.xpm%"          Exec ~/tools/call-relax &
+ "Stop  Relax%mini-stop.xpm%"          Exec sudo /usr/bin/killall -HUP pppd
+ "Xcoral%mini-edit.xpm"                Module FvwmForm EditSession

//--------- Screen savers

DestroyMenu "Screensaver"
AddToMenu "Screensaver" \
"Blank%mini-bball.xpm%" Exec xlock -nolock -nice 0 -mode blank &
+ "Random%mini-bball.xpm%"      Exec xlock -nolock -nice 0 -mode random &

//--------- Screen lockers

DestroyMenu "Screenlock"
AddToMenu "Screenlock" \
"Blank%mini-rball.xpm%" Exec xlock -nice 0 -mode blank &
+ "Random%mini-rball.xpm%"      Exec xlock -nice 0 -mode random &
+ ""                            Nop
+ "Bat%mini-rball.xpm%"         Exec xlock -nice 0 -mode bat &

//--------- Shutdown
// I want to shutdown / reboot by clicking - so use sudo
DestroyMenu "Shutdown"
AddToMenu "Shutdown" \
"Quit fvwm95%mini-exclam.xpm%"  Quit
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Reboot System%mini-turn.xpm%"        Exec sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now &
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Shutdown%mini-stop.xpm%"             Exec sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now &
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Lock Screen%mini-lock.xpm%"          Popup Screenlock
+ "Screensaver%mini-display.xpm%"       Popup Screensaver

// This menu will fire up some very common utilities

DestroyMenu "Utilities"
AddToMenu "[email protected]@^white^" \
"Running processes%mini-run.xpm%"       Exec xterm -font 7x14 \
                                     -bg \#c0c0c0 -fg black \
                                     -T Top -n Top -e top & 
+ "Calculator%mini-calc.xpm%"           Exec kcalc &
+ "Manual pages%mini-book1.xpm%"        Exec xman &
+ "Magnifying glass%mini-zoom.xpm%"     Exec xmag &
+ "Oclock%mini-clock.xpm%"              Exec oclock &
+ "KDE kfm%mini-ofolder.xpm%"           Exec kfm &
+ "Xterm%mini-term.xpm%"                Exec rxvt -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb -vb &
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Modules%mini-modules.xpm%"           Popup Module-Popup
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Lock Screen%mini-lock.xpm%"          Exec xlock -nice 0 -mode blank &
+ "Refresh Screen%mini-ray.xpm%"        Refresh

// This defines the most common window operations

DestroyMenu "Window"
AddToMenu "Window" "Window Ops" Title
+ "&Move%mini-move.xpm%"        Function Move-or-Raise
+ "&Resize"                     Function Resize-or-Raise
+ "R&aise%mini-raise.xpm"       Raise
+ "&Lower%mini-lower.xpm%"      Lower
+ "(De)Iconify"                 Iconify
+ "(Un)Stick"                   Stick
+ "(Un)Maximize"                Function maximize_func
+ ""                            Nop
+ "Kill%mini-bomb.xpm%"         Destroy
+ "&Close%mini-cross.xpm%"      Delete
+ ""                            Nop
+ "Switch to..."                WindowList
+ "Refresh Screen%mini-ray.xpm%" Refresh

// A trimmed down version of "Window Ops", good for binding to decorations

DestroyMenu "Window-Ops2"
AddToMenu "Window-Ops2" \
"&Restore"              Iconify -1
+ "&Move"               Move-or-Raise
+ "&Size"               Resize-or-Raise
+ "Mi&nimize"           Iconify 1
+ "Ma&ximize"           Maximize-Func
+ ""                    Nop
+ "&Kill"               Destroy
+ "&Close       Alt+F4" Delete


// Mouse bindings

// First, for the mouse in the root window
// Button 1 gives the Utilities menu
// Button 2 gives the Window Ops menu
// Button 3 gives the WindowList (like TwmWindows)
// I use the AnyModifier (A) option for the modifier field, so you can hold down
// any shift-control-whatever combination you want!

//     Button   Context Modifi  Function
Mouse 1         R       A       Menu "Utilities" Nop
Mouse 2         R       A       Menu "Window Ops" Nop
Mouse 3         R       A       WindowList

// Now the title bar buttons
// Any button in the left title-bar button gives the window ops menu
// Any button in the first right title-bar button Iconifies the window
// Any button in the second title-bar button maximizes
// Any button in the third (rightmost) title-bar button closes
// Note the use of "Mouse 0" for AnyButton.

//     Button   Context Modif   Function
Mouse 0         1       A       Function "window_ops_func"
Mouse 1         2       A       Delete
//Mouse 0               4       A       Function "Maximize-Func"
Mouse 0         6       A       Iconify

//Mouse 0               1       A       Function "window_ops_func"
//Mouse 1         2       A       Delete
// folgender wieder angepasst x y
Mouse 0         4       A       Maximize 97 97
//Mouse 0               6       A       Iconify

// Now the rest of the frame
// Here I invoke my complex functions for Move-or-lower, Move-or-raise,
// and Resize-or-Raise. 
// Button 1 in the corner pieces, with any modifiers, gives resize or raise
Mouse 1         F       A       Function "Resize-or-Raise"
// Button 1 in the title, sides, or icon, w/ any modifiers, gives move or raise
//Mouse 1       TS      A       Function "Move-or-Raise"
Mouse 1         T       A       Function "Move-or-Raise"
Mouse 1         S       A       Function "Resize-or-Raise"

// Button 1 in an icons gives move for a drag, de-iconify for a double-click,
// nothing for a single click
// Button 2 in an icon, w/ any modifiers, gives de-iconify
Mouse 1         I       A       Function "Move-or-Iconify"
Mouse 2         I       A       Iconify

// Button 2 in the corners, sides, or title-bar gives the window ops menu
Mouse 2         FST     A       Function "window_ops_func"

// Button 3 anywhere in the decoration (except the title-bar buttons)
// does a raise-lower
Mouse 3         TSIF    A       RaiseLower


// Now some keyboard shortcuts.

// I made some modifications to system.fvwm95rc, as I want to use
//  in Xemacs as well as  in Netscape.

// press shift arrow + control anywhere, and move the pointer by 1% of a page
Key Left        A       SC      CursorMove -1  0
Key Right       A       SC      CursorMove +1 +0
Key Up          A       SC      CursorMove +0 -1
Key Down        A       SC      CursorMove +0 +1

// press shift arrow + meta key, and move the pointer by 1/10 of a page
Key Left        A       SM      CursorMove -10 +0
Key Right       A       SM      CursorMove +10 +0
Key Up          A       SM      CursorMove +0  -10
Key Down        A       SM      CursorMove +0  +10

// Keyboard accelerators
Key F1          A       M       Popup "Utilities"
Key F1          A       M       Popup "Utilities"
Key F2          A       M       Popup "Window Ops"
Key F3          A       M       Module "WindowList" FvwmWinList 
Key F4          A       M       Delete
Key F5          A       M       Move
Key F6          A       M       Resize

//Page Up/Dapge Down keys are used to scroll by one desktop page
// in any context, press page up/down + control
// in root context, just pressing page up/down is OK
// I prefer the non-wrapping scroll. These are for example purposes only
//Key Next      A       C       Scroll 100000 0
//Key Next      R       N       Scroll 100000 0  
//Key Prior     A       C       Scroll -100000 0
//Key Prior     R       N       Scroll -100000 0

Key Tab         A       M       Prev Focus
Key Tab         A       MS      Next Focus

Key Escape      A       C       WindowList
Key F1          A       C       Popup StartMenu +4 -26

// I want to switch conveniently between pages using 
Key F1          A       M       GotoPage 0 0
Key F2          A       M       GotoPage 1 0
Key F3          A       M       GotoPage 2 0
Key F4          A       M       GotoPage 3 0
Key F5          A       M       GotoPage 0 1
Key F6          A       M       GotoPage 1 1
Key F7          A       M       GotoPage 2 1
Key F8          A       M       GotoPage 3 1


// Definitions used by the modules

//------------------ Pager

*FvwmPagerBack grey60
*FvwmPagerFore black
*FvwmPagerFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmPagerHilight #c0c0c0
// This one doesn't seem to work. Couldn't fix it.
//*FvwmPagerGeometry PAGER_GEO
*FvwmPagerGeometry -0-0
*FvwmPagerLabel 0 Desktop
*FvwmPagerSmallFont 5x8

//------------------ FvwmButtons

*FvwmButtonsFore Black
*FvwmButtonsBack #c0c0c0
*FvwmButtonsFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
// Geometry - really likes to pick its own size, but giving a position is OK
*FvwmButtonsGeometry -5-34
// Layout: specify rows or columns, not both
*FvwmButtonsRows 1

// Define the buttons to use.....

*FvwmButtons(Title xclock, \
     Swallow(UseOld) "xclock" 'Exec xclock -bg \#c0c0c0 \
     -padding 0 -geometry -1500-1500 &')
*FvwmButtons(2x1, Title load, \
     Swallow(UseOld) "xload" 'Exec xload \
             -nolabel -bg grey60 -update 5 -geometry -1500-1500 &')
*FvwmButtons(Title xterm, Icon rterm.xpm, \
     Action 'Exec "XTerm" rxvt \
             -ls -sb -fn 8x13 -title "Color xterm" &')
*FvwmButtons(Title xfm, Icon Xfm.xpm, \
     Action 'Exec "Xfm" xfm -title "File Manager" &') 
*FvwmButtons(Title textedit, Icon textedit.xpm, \
     Action 'Exec "Textedit" textedit &')
*FvwmButtons(Title kcalc, Icon rcalc.xpm, \
     Action 'Exec "Calculator" kcalc &')
*FvwmButtons(Title xview, Icon xview.xpm, \
     Action 'Exec "xv" xv &')
*FvwmButtons(Title gview, Icon gv.xpm, \
     Action 'Exec "ghostview" ghostview &')
*FvwmButtons(Title netscape, Icon nscape.xpm, \
     Action 'Exec "Netscape" netscape -geometry NS_GEO &')
*FvwmButtons(Title kill, Icon rbomb.xpm, Action Destroy)
*FvwmButtons(2x1, Swallow(UseOld) "Desktop" 'FvwmPager 0 0')

//------------------ MiniButtons

Style "MiniButtons"  NoTitle,NoHandles,Sticky,StaysOnTop,WindowListSkip,BorderWidth 0

*MiniButtonsFore Black
*MiniButtonsBack #c0c0c0
*MiniButtonsFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*MiniButtonsGeometry -5+5
*MiniButtonsColumns 1
*MiniButtonsRows 20
*MiniButtonsPadding 1 1

*MiniButtons -   mini-question.xpm    Exec    "Help" kdehelp &
*MiniButtons -   mini-term.xpm        Exec    "XTerm" rxvt -fn DEF_FONT -ls -sb -vb &
*MiniButtons -   mini-ofolder.xpm     Exec    "kfm" /usr/bin/X11/kfm KFM_GEO & 
// Zur Position: Klappt nicht sauber. x=[01] liefert völlig bekloppte Ergebnisse
*MiniButtons -   mini-edit.xpm        Exec  "emacs" /usr/bin/xemacs -geometry EMACS_GEO &
*MiniButtons -   mini-calc.xpm        Exec    "Calculator" kcalc &
*MiniButtons -   mini-xv.xpm          Exec    "xv" xv &
*MiniButtons -   mini-gv.xpm          Exec    "ghostview" gv -geometry GV_GEO &
*MiniButtons -   mini-nscape.xpm      Exec    "Netscape" ~/tools/netscapE -geometry NS_GEO &
*MiniButtons -   mini-xfig.xpm      Exec    "Xfig" xfig -metric -geometry XFIG_GEO XFIG_OPTS &
*MiniButtons -   mini-mail.xpm        Exec "Address" ~/bin/addressbook -geometry ADDRBK_GEO &
*MiniButtons -   mini-fax.xpm        Exec "PalMail" ~/bin/PalMail &
*MiniButtons -   mini-perf.xpm        Exec    "qps" qps -geometry QPS_GEO &
*MiniButtons -   mini-exclam.xpm        Destroy
*MiniButtons -   mini-exclam.xpm        Destroy
*MiniButtons -   mini-exclam.xpm        Destroy
*MiniButtons -   mini-exclam.xpm        Destroy
*MiniButtons -   mini-diskette.xpm        Exec mount /floppy
*MiniButtons -   mini-diskette.xpm        Exec umount /floppy
*MiniButtons -   mini-lock.xpm        Exec "xautolock" xautolock -time 1 &

//------------------ Identify

*FvwmIdentBack #000080
*FvwmIdentFore Yellow
*FvwmIdentFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

//------------------ FvwmWinList

*FvwmWinListBack #c0c0c0
*FvwmWinListFore Black
*FvwmWinListFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmWinListAction Click1 Iconify -1,Focus
*FvwmWinListAction Click2 Iconify
*FvwmWinListAction Click3 Module "FvwmIdent" FvwmIdent
*FvwmWinListGeometry +0-1

//------------------ FvwmTaskBar

Style "FvwmTaskBar" NoTitle,BorderWidth 4,HandleWidth 4,Sticky,StaysOnTop,WindowListSkip,CirculateSkip

*FvwmTaskBarGeometry +0-0
*FvwmTaskBarFore Black
*FvwmTaskBarBack #c0c0c0
*FvwmTaskBarFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmTaskBarSelFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmTaskBarStatusFont fixed
*FvwmTaskBarAction Click1 Iconify -1,Raise,Focus
*FvwmTaskBarAction Click2 Iconify
*FvwmTaskBarAction Click3 PopUp Window-Ops2
*FvwmTaskBarStartName Start
*FvwmTaskBarStartMenu StartMenu
*FvwmTaskBarStartIcon mini-exp.xpm
// More verbose clock format
*FvwmTaskBarClockFormat %a %d/%m %H:%M

*FvwmTaskBarMailCommand Exec rxvt -name Mail -T mail -ls -fn 8x13 -e pine -i 

//------------------ FvwmConfig

*FvwmConfigFore Black
*FvwmConfigBack #c0c0c0

// Just for test purposes FvwmForm

*EditSessionFont         *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
*EditSessionButtonFont   *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
*EditSessionInputFont    *cour*m*r*n*14*
*EditSessionFore         Black
*EditSessionBack         Light Gray
*EditSessionItemFore     Wheat
*EditSessionItemBack     Gray50
*EditSessionLine         center
*EditSessionText         "Datei editieren"
*EditSessionLine         center
*EditSessionText         "Dateiname"
*EditSessionInput        DateiName  50   ""
*EditSessionLine         expand
*EditSessionButton       "Edit"
*EditSessionCommand      Exec  xcoral -bg SlateGray3 -fg white $(DateiName) &
*EditSessionButton       restart   "Clear"
*EditSessionButton       quit "Cancel"
*EditSessionCommand Nop

// Local Variables:
// rcpbuf-todo: ("bck:.fvwm95rc-cpp")
// End: