Well, plenty has happened in the world of Linux this month:
My wife has decided to take responsibility for marking up the mail that I do as "The Answer Guy" (I didn't pick the name, honest!). Traditionally I've just answered the e-mail that was forwarded to me by the Linux Gazette editors and copied them on it. Marjorie has normally done the rest.
This has been O.K. since we've focused on content rather than form. However, I've wanted to improve it a little bit ever since I first found out that the answers I was giving were being included in LG. (Mainly I want the URL references I make to other various web sites to be rendered as links so you don't have to cut and paste those into your "Go" or "Open Location" prompt).
Obviously I've procrastinated on that for over a year. Yes, I fiddle with Hypermail and MHOnArc. Finally, Heather took matters into her own hands and modified a copy of 'babymail' (a Perl script) to do most of the work. Unfortunately it appears that this still requires quite a bit of hand tweaking. Oh well. [24-Aug-2000: Hyperlink removed because file is gone. -Ed.]
So, I hope everyone likes the new look. [Me too! -- ] To any of you that have written to me and been ignored or never received your responses I'd like to apologize. Sometimes I procrastinate on more than just the cosmetics and I certainly hope you eventually got your answers from other venues like comp.os.linux.* or the L.U.S.T. (Linux Users Support Team) mailing list, or even (horrors!) from one of the LDP (Linux Documentation Project) mirrors.
Another, budding new source of support info for Linux users will hopefully be the "self-service" Linux Search Engine which hopefully will eventually be a complete replacement for Yahoo! (the source for most of the answers I've ever given here).
Well, enough of my rambling and onto my usual collection of questions and answers. As usual I've also included a couple of items which are my responses to posts in newsgroups or mailing lists --- items that I personally think are important enough to be restated here.
Answer Guy #1, January 1997
Answer Guy #2, February 1997
Answer Guy #3, March 1997
Answer Guy #4, April 1997
Answer Guy #5, May 1997
Answer Guy #6, June 1997
Answer Guy #7, July 1997
Answer Guy #8, August 1997
Answer Guy #9, September 1997
Answer Guy #10, October 1997
Answer Guy #11, December 1997
Answer Guy #12, January 1998
Answer Guy #13, February 1998
Answer Guy #14, March 1998
Answer Guy #15, April 1998