© 1998
Of course, now you're probably asking "What the images look like and what can I do with them?"  Lets start by showing what a couple of the images I created using the Gimp and these stock photos look like.  The first of these I called Vogue and whipped out in a couple of hours just for this article (intermixed with watching a rerun of The X-Files - I really need to get out more).  The second is called Angel and took me a few days to put together.  Both images started with stock photos from the Women by Jack Cutler CD in the Sampler Ten Pack.
Vogue Angel
       Note: click either image to see larger version.

Original portrait used for Vogue artwork. Original portrait used in Angel (scaled up from actual thumbnail image)

Additionally, Angel includes an image taken from the Dawn & Dusk CD plus a texture from one of the Textures II CD's (although I can't remember which one now).  The Women and Dawn & Dusk CDs are both in the Sampler Ten pack.

These particular example images aren't really helpful for most Web based applications, but what is important is the quality of the original stock.  The original images are of good quality, clear of defects and of reasonable color clarity.  If you consider the range of topics covered by the other Super Ten Packs then there is likely to be some set of images which will be useful in any future web artwork you may do.  When you consider that stock photographs often run closer to $200-$300 for 100 images on other collections, the Corel Super Ten Packs are a pretty decent bargain and well worth the cost.

Thumbnail of sunset image used
in Angel.

© 1998 by