This is the third part of a series begun in the April 1999 issue of Linux Gazette.
[see: Compiler Construction Tools, Part I ]. Part II, giving detailed installation instructions for JFlex and CUP appears in this same issue.
This particular example is a modified version of the calculator example shown in the CUP manual. In particular, the companion JFlex specification file is included. Further, that file and the associated CUP specification file are commented extensively. The calculator example is the traditional first example to display the use of tools in the lex/yacc family. We are currently working on a project that would comprise a deeper example - an initialization language for a fuzzy logic engine to be used for decision making applications. If there is sufficient interest expressed in that longer term project, we will prepare an article for this or another venue.
The lexical specification file for JFlex is broken up into three sections. Each of these sections are separated by %%.
User Code Section
Options and Declarations Section
Lexical Rules Section
import java_cup.runtime.*;
import sym;
In our example, the sym class is generated (along with the parser) by CUP.
%class Lexer
The first option, class Lexer, tells JFlex to name the generated class Lexer and to write the code to a file called The line option turns on line counting letting you access the current line number of the input with the variable yyline. The column option does a similar thing except it is for the current column number with the variable yycolumn. The last option, cup, puts JFlex into a mode that will make it compatible with a CUP generated parser, which is what we are using.
You next can declare member variables and functions for use inside the scanner. The code that can be added is Java code and is placed between %{ and %}. It will be copied into the generated lexer class source. For our lexical specification two member functions will be declared. These functions create java_cup.runtime.Symbol objects. The first one just contains position information of the current token. The second contains this information as well as the value of the token. A link to this declaration is below.
The last part of this section contains macro declarations. Macros are used as abbreviations for regular expressions. A macro declaration consists of a macro identifier followed by = and then the regular expression that it represents. A link to the macro declarations used in our lexical specification follows. A link is also supplied below that contains a list of what can be used to create a regular expression and what each item in that list means.
List of what can be used in Creating Regular Expressions
Actions can then be attached to each regular expression that the scanner can activate when it matches that regular expression. The actions for each regular expression are just Java code fragments that you can write. Actions that you might want to use could be printing something out or returning the token that the scanner just found to the parser. Example code that prints the token found by the scanner and returns it to the parser could be done as in the following.
"+" { System.out.print(" + "); return symbol(sym.PLUS); }
"-" { System.out.print(" - "); return symbol(sym.MINUS); }
"*" { System.out.print(" * "); return symbol(sym.TIMES); }
"/" { System.out.print(" / "); return symbol(sym.DIVIDE); }
JFlex allows the programmer to refine the specification by defining special lexical states used as start conditions. YYINITIAL is a predefined lexical state and is the state in which the lexer initiates scanning input. It's the only one we'll use. Consequently, all our regular expressions will be recognized starting from that lexical state. However, one can define other such states which will essentially constitute the start of a new branch of the state machine. In the example below, lexical state <STRING> is reached by a transition from YYINITIAL. Regular expressions defined in that state section <STRING> will only be recognized in that branch.
\" { string.setLength(0); yybegin(STRING); }
"=" { return symbol(sym.EQ); }
"==" { return symbol(sym.EQEQ); }
"+" { return symbol(sym.PLUS); }
\" { yybegin(YYINITIAL);
return symbol(sym.STRINGLITERAL,
string.toString()); }
[^\n\r\"\]+ { string.append( yytext() ); }
In the above code the scanner will begin in the state YYINITIAL. When it matches the regular expression \", which just means it is found a double quote, it will change the scanner to the STRING state. Now the only regular expressions that can be matched are the regular expressions listed for that state. So the scanner will stay in this branch until it matches another double quote - whereupon it will return to the YYINITIAL state again. Again, for our calculator we never employ such starting conditions other than the original YYINITIAL state. A link to the lexical rules we used are below.
Link to the JFlex file lcalc.flex . This is the lexical specification used for our calculator. In it there are lots of comments explaining what is happening. It can be copied and both the CUP and Main files which are also supplied in this article can be copied so you can run this example project. Instructions on how to prepare each file and run the calculator are included. Jdk, JFlex, and CUP are needed to do this and can be downloaded for free at the web sites listed in this article.
For more information on JFlex consult the JFlex manual that is available when you download JFlex at the web site that is listed in this article.
The specification syntax for a CUP file is broken up into four sections.
import java_cup.runtime.*;
The next item we will add is parser code. The parser code will be placed directly into the generated parser class definition. It begins with parser code {: and ends with :} with all coded inserted in between. In the parser code we will change two methods. We will change the report_error and report_fatal_error method. We will modify these methods so the if a syntactic error or a fatal error occurs in the input then the error message that will be printed out will contain the line and column number in the input of where the error occurred. This extra information in error messages could prove very helpful when determining errors in the input.
The last item we will add in this section indicates how the parser should ask for the next token from the scanner and has the form scan with {: ... :}. We will use this to tell the parser to call the scanner we created with JFlex.
scan with {: return lexer.yylex(); :};
terminal Integer NUMBER;
Note that only NUMBER has an accompanying classname. In our example, it is the only terminal that carries content. For example, when the lexer recognizes a PLUS, it passes the associated code to the parser; but when it recognizes a NUMBER it not only passes the associated code for NUMBER, but also its value within the type wrapper class, Integer.
Non terminals are declared in the same manner. The only difference is the beginning of the declaration reflects that it is a non terminal instead of a terminal as in the following.
non terminal expr_list, expr_part;
non terminal Integer expr;
precedence left PLUS, MINUS;
precedence left TIMES, DIVIDE;
To structure a grammar to eliminate the ambiguity you would create a structure like the one below. This structure eliminates the ambiguity because TIMES is further down in the grammar than PLUS. This will result in TIMES being applied before PLUS as you go back up the grammar.
Example of Grammar Structure
expr ::= expr:e1 PLUS expr:e2
The label names must be unique in the production. If there exists several productions for the same non terminal they can be declared together and separated by |. The semicolon then needs to be placed at the end of the last production as in the following.
expr ::= expr PLUS expr
| expr MINUS expr
Actions can also be inserted into the production. The action is just Java code and will be executed when the production has been recognized. Action is placed between the delimiters {: and :}. An example of part of a grammar with these options is below. A link to a file with the specification syntax for CUP named ycalc.cup also follows and the grammar in it can be studied.
expr ::= factor:f PLUS expr:e
{: RESULT = new Integer(f.intValue() + e.intValue()); :}
factor:f MINUS expr:e
{: RESULT = new Integer(f.intValue() - e.intValue()); :}
{: RESULT = new Integer(f.intValue()); :}
Link to the CUP file ycalc.cup. This is the specification syntax used for our calculator. In it there are lots of comments explaining what is happening. It can be copied and both the JFlex and Main files which are also supplied in this article can be copied so you can run this example project. Instructions on how to prepare each file and run the calculator are included. Jdk, JFlex, and CUP are needed to do this and can be downloaded for free at the web sites listed in this article.
For more information on CUP consult the CUP manual that is available at the web site listed in this article.
try {
parser p = new parser(new Lexer(new FileReader(argv[0])));
Object result = p.parse().value;
Following the try block is a catch block. The purpose of the catch block is to clean up an errors that happened in the try block. The catch block will take the exception, the reason why we were kicked out of the try block, and do whatever is needed to clean things up before the program exits. We don't do anything in the contents of our catch block. After the catch block we have the method finally. This method closes everything out. We don't do anything in this method either. The code for the catch block and method finally are below.
catch (Exception e) {
/* do cleanup here -- possibly rethrow e */
} finally {
/* do close out here */
That completes the contents of the method main and the class Main. We now have created a simple calculator using JFlex as our lexical analyzer and CUP as our syntactical analyzer.
Link to the Java file . This is the main used for our calculator. In it there are comments explaining what is happening. It can be copied and both the JFlex and CUP files which are also supplied in this article can be copied so you can run this example project. Instructions on how to prepare each file and run the calculator are included. Jdk, JFlex, and CUP are needed to do this and can be downloaded for free at the web sites listed in this article.
> jflex lcalc.flex
> java java_cup.Main < ycalc.cup
> javac
> javac
Then to run the calculator you would enter the following at the command line. The file test.txt is the input file for the calculator that will be scanned and parsed.
> java Main test.txt
and so on. The output for the following input should then appear as follows.
2 + 4 = 6
5 * ( 6 - 3 ) + 1 = 16
6 / 3 * 5 + 20 = 30
4 * 76 / 31 = 9
Compiler Construction Tools Part I, April 1998
Compiler Construction Tools Part II, May 1998