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- Blender at SIGGRAPH 1999
NaN will give the first public presentation of Blender at the world's most famous CG show, this year in LA, august 10-11-12. Visitors will get a sneak preview of the 2.0 Game-Blender.
- Complete Key features
Blender 1.63 now has radiosity, environment mapping and DXF output included as C-key features. Version 1.64 will have a text editor (free versions too). We expect to introduce Python scripting in V 1.65.
Check out http:/www.blender.nl/complete/
- Linux 3D h/w acceleration coming?
We hope to demonstrate the first accelerated Linux Blenders at Sig '99. There's still not a working version here... patience!
MpegTV Player (mtv) is a real-time software MPEG-1 Video+Audio Player and VCD Player. It supports full screen mode, can play from file, pipe, network URL, or Video CD.
gPhoto enables you to take a photo from any digital camera, load it onto your PC running a free operating system like GNU/Linux, print it, email it, put it on your web site, save it on your storage media in popular graphics formats or just view it on your monitor. gPhoto sports a new HTML engine that allows the creation of gallery themes (HTML templates with special tags) making publishing images to the world wide web a snap. A directory browse mode is implemented making it easy to create an HTML gallery from images already on your computer.
Changes: Various bug fixes
The GIMP Imagemap plug-in enables The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) to create clickable imagemaps in CSIM, CERN or NCSA format.
Changes: Fixed serious bug that made version 1.1 segfault at start-up.
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