Links to the scripts in this article are included in the Linux Gazette. Off-site links to Expect manual pages are indicated by a "(*)" after the link.
The basic idea of this interface is to send the command string except for its terminating character (usually, a carriage return) and look at the echo from the remote system. If the two can be matched using the regular expressions in the expect clauses, then the terminating character is sent and transmission is considered successful. If success cannot be determined, the command line is cleared instead of being sent, and alternative transmission modes are used.
In many cases, nothing more than expecting the exact echo of the string is sufficient. If you're reading this article, though, I suspect that you've encountered some of the problems I have when programming in Expect, and you're looking for the solution here. If you're just reading out of interest, the problems arise when automating a session on a machine off in a lab, or on the other side of the world. Strange characters pop up over the connection, and the terminal you're connected to does weird things with its echo, but everything is working. It becomes very difficult to determine if what was sent was properly received when you have noise on the connection, terminal control codes inserted in the echo, and even server timeouts between the automation program and the remote session. This interface survives all of that, and if it can't successfully transmit the string, it means that the connection to the remote system has been lost.
The code provided in this article is executable, but needs to be incorporated into any system in which it is to be used. Ordinarily, system-dependent commands need to be added based on the needs of the target system. Also, this code uses simple calls to the puts (*) command to output status messages - these should be changed to use whatever logging mechanism is used by the rest of the system. A final caveat, and I can't emphasize this enough: always wear eye protection.
The send_only procedure is a wrapper for the exp_send (*) command, and is used by send_expect to transmit strings. The only time this procedure is called directly is for strings that are not echoed, such as passwords, and multi-byte character constants, such as the telnet break character (control-]).
The send_expect procedure is the actual interface between the automated system and its remote processes, and is detailed in the next section.
Finally, the send_expect_report procedure is used at the end of execution to output the statistics of the interface for debugging. This procedure may also be run during execution, if incremental reports are needed.
send_expect id command;where
id = the spawn id of the session on which to send the commandThis syntax, and the implementation of the expression-action lists, support multiple-session applications.
command = the entire command string including the terminating carriage-return, if any.
Many people who follow the documented examples tend to write the same kind of error-prone code, because they follow the example as if it's the best example, instead of just a simple example. Examples are kept uncluttered by the little details that make the difference between bulletproof code and code that will eventually fail. The examples provided in this article are simple examples but with more attention to detail, and where warranted a complete implementation is provided as an example. The send_expect procedure usually replaces only two lines of code in an existing system.
The full syntax for properly using the interface is actually:
if { [send_expect $id $command] != 0} {
## handle your error here
The interface uses four different transmission modes, in order:
For local processes and robust remote connections, mode 1 is usually sufficient. If the remote system is a bit slow, mode 2 may be required. Mode 3 has proven invaluable when connected to routers and clusters which provide rudimentary terminal control. Mode 4 is rarely required, but acts as a backup to mode 3.
The moving window diagnostics file is the fastest and smallest way to implement full diagnostics output during the execution of a send command. If the transmission succeeds, this file is deleted. If there is a failure, this file is closed and renamed, and on the next invocation of the send command a new file is created. This results in very small files (comparatively) with all of the diagnostics from expect and the user-defined messages, from the very beginning of the attempt to send the command.
Ideally, if there are no failures during execution, there should be no more than one send diagnostics file in existence at any time, named send.diagnostics. If there are diagnostics files, each is associated with a particular failure and should be used in debugging that failure.
The failure limit elements (Mode1FailMax, Mode2FailMax, and Mode3FailMax) determine how many failures are permitted for modes 1, 2 and 3 (respectively). A value of zero disables this limitation, and any positive integer sets the maximum number of failures for that mode before it is no longer used by the interface. There is no failure limit for the last mode.
The element useMode allows the system to determine which transmission mode should be used first, so that the less reliable modes (the first and second) can be bypassed. Allowable values for this parameter are 1, 2, 3, or 4. Invalid values will be replaced by the default mode (1).
If transmission errors are not considered fatal, the sendErrorSeverity element may be specified to a more tolerant value. Note that this parameter is not used internally, so if the automated system does not access this value, it won't affect the interface.
The kill element defines the command line kill character, which is defaulted to the Gnu-standard control-U.
The diagFile parameter names the temporary internal diagnostics file (generated from exp_internal).
The logDiags allows disabling of all diagnostics output for faster execution, but be forewarned that disabling this feature well make debugging much more difficult.
The sleepTime parameter, when set to a positive integer, causes the interface to sleep for the designated amount of time before starting transmission. This is useful if the automated system appears to be going faster than the remote system can handle - the consistent loss of characters in the transmission phase usually indicates a speed and synchronization problem, and this parameter is provided as an allowance for such cases.
The interval and delay elements represent the two items in the send_slow list, which is used by the second and third modes.
For experimentation purposes, it is recommended that these parameters be modified by the automated system at runtime, rather than directly editing the defaults in the initialization procedure. Once valid settings are found the defaults may be changed to reflect them.
If the procedure itself appears to be malfunctioning, the diagnostics files that were created during the failure should help in debugging. This interface has yet to fail with a reliable connection.