However, I'll not cover the aspect of configuring the various window managers. Check the manuals or articles in the Linux Gazette covering the aspect of configuring a special window manager. (As far as I remember, there were very decent articles about configuring fvwm in the first 8 or 9 issues of the Linux Gazette.
Name of window manager | short description |
TWM | the default window manager provided by the XFree team, for purists only |
FVWM | this has been the most used window manager in the Linux world |
FVWM 2 | a modernized version of the good old FVWM, with themes and much colour I haven't used this window manager yet. |
FVWM 95 | a rewrite of the FVWM window manager to provide a Windows 95 feel |
AfterStep | a window manager trying to emulate the NextStep feel - includes a wharf, some sort of panel to swallow applications |
Enlightenment | I haven't used that one. I have heard that this one should be very colorful. More a toy than a window manager? ;-) |
KWM | the window manager provided with the KDE desktop environment, very easy to use and to configure without having to edit the config files with a text editor |
IceWM | a window manager completely written from scratch, supports a Win95'like taskbar with Linux icon and themes - very fast especially to load KDE needs almost the double amount of time to launch. (My personal tip!) |
The first window manager I was confronted with, was the clumsy TWM. I was happy to run X and to learn more about Linux so I didn't care. The TWM gave me a real UNIX and highend user feeling I never encountered before.
In the spring of 1999, I started being interested in dial-ins to run a better BBS than the old DOS BBS systems, perhaps running a PPP link and using Internet (eq. TCP/IP) technologies for that.
Linux seemed to be best suited for that. So I reinstalled Linux and learned more about Linux. That time, I focused on system configuration and programming first (and I still do that).
With gathering more and more information of the Linux system, I managed to configure the TWM to fit my needs. However, I was looking for a better suited window manager as I learned that the user can select the window manager to be displayed. At first, I tried FVWM 95 because, at that time I still worked using Windows 95.
Linux was giving me more and more. In the October of 1999, I got a copy of Debian and installed it. That was a more modern distribution and it was the first that I managed to provide Internet access to me. Form then on, I have hardly used Windows 95/98 to connect to the Net. Linux is just much more stable and better suited for that.
Debian came along with both, KDE and GNOME. But both seemed to be broken and at that time, I could not get one of them to work.
Under Debian then , I started my adventure of exploring the advantages of different standard window managers under Linux. I installed FVWM and AfterStep and I tried both.
I discovered that FVWM was superior to both FVWM 95 and to TWM. However I liked the look and feel of Afterstep and the Wharf got my attention. I switched to AfterStep and I still have that window manager on the machine I used at that time.
Because of problems with my disk space (I couldn't afford a second harddrive), I didn't install SuSE Linux because it consumed to much disk space.
In the spring of 2000, this changed as I got my new Athlon 600 machine with a GeForce 256 chip set video card. I first had problems to get a working X server for it. But I installed the new SuSE Linux 6.4 (and I still use it now while I'm writing this article). Disk space was not a problem so I have currently installed almost all window managers supplied with SuSE, even KDE and a small working copy of GNOME.
At first I tried KDE because all Linux magazines (here in Germany) focused on that.
I was amazed and puzzled. Such a powerful desktop, far superior to all kinds of products from MS. Then, I discovered the possibility to change the window manager with the KDM login utility. Ok, I was (and I am still able) to use all of the window managers I mentioned above. I played around a little bit with it, and then I found IceWM.
At that point, the world of Linux changed for me. A classical window manager for Linux and it loads so d*** fast. I was puzzled. Quickly, I decided not to use KDE anymore. KDE was far too close to Windows 98, while the icewm provides a more UNIX like feeling.
I can configure icewm in the good old unix way, it is fast and it provides almost all of the aspects I used under KDE. I now run icewm exclusively. However, I still have KDE installed and I use the kfm and a few of the KDE applications, especially the KMail E-Mail client.
I can tell you, I'm now pleased and satisfied with Linux all the way.
The only reason to load Windows 98 is to either to play the games (I'm quite a gaming fan) and to run an Atari ST emulator - StonX is not the best ST emulator I know. All I can tell you: In 1 out of 20 occasions, I boot my machine, I boot Windows, the 19 other occasions, I boot into Linux with icewm.
I tend to sort the window managers into 3 classes:
Even, a Linux guru may use KDE, but most people prefer to have the control over all config files.
I haven't used GNOME yet but I think most of the things I said about KDE apply to GNOME as well.
window manager | Advantages | Disadvantages | Conclusion |
TWM | comes shipped with every Linux that features X |
for hardcore Unix users only |
If you cannot decide, choose this one. Not recommended for complete new Linux users |
the modern variant of the FVWM above - for those who prefer a colorfull desktop |
FVWM95 |
the variant of the FVWM above - for those who want to have a Windows 95 like appearance of their X |
AfterStep |
If you ever used a NeXT or a NextStep system, this is the right window manager for you. |
a complete desktop solution for Unix - recommended for novice users |
IceWM |
a powerfull window manager - my personal tip at least the menus are easy to configure, at least for an intelligent person Even novices should, at least, take a look at it. |
This is program to create the so-called dotfiles - the configuration files.
The Linux A-Z
written by Phil Cornes
ISBN: 0-13-234709-1
This is a book about the usage of Linux in general, not about window managers.
However, a fairly small chapter deals with the configuration of FVWM.
Notice for my German readers: This book is in English.
[Matthias also submitted a 2-Cent Tip in this issue, a tree script -Ed.]