Let's suppose that you have your oh-so-tweaked XFree86 mode and you want to evaluate Xinside in the same conditions: follow the steps described below and you should be able to do it; we will use my default video mode as a real-life example and I will explain what you will have to do to convert it.
An Xfree86 entry looks like this:
Modeline "blahblah" DOTCLK A B C D a b c d
Every one of the A-D and a-d numbers has a meaning: if you want you can search for it in the 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to X386/XFree86 Video Timing' ( /usr/lib/X11/doc/VideoModes.doc ) but you don't need to know the theory behind all this to perform a succesful conversion...
My modeline in /usr/lib/X11/XF86Config is:
Modeline "1168x876" 105 1168 1256 1544 1640 876 877 891 900 | | | | | | | | | DOT_CLK A B C D a b c d
In Xinside, you have to add an entry in the Xtimings file, which should be located in etc/ ( from now on we suppose you are in the top Xaccel directory that should be something like /usr/X11/lib/X11/AcceleratedX )
! Somewhere in the file, put here the name you want [PREADJUSTED_TIMING] PreadjustedTimingName = "1168x876 @ 72Hz"; ! ! These four are obvious ! HorPixel = 1168; // pixels VerPixel = 876; // lines PixelWidthRatio = 4; PixelHeightRatio = 3; ! ! hsync: DOT_CLK / D * 1000 [KHz] ! ! hsync = 105 / 1640 * 1000 = 64.024 KHz ! ! vsync: ( 1 / (( D / DOT_CLK ) * d) ) * 1,000,000 [Hz] ! ! vsync: ( 1 / (( 1640 / 105 ) * 900) ) * 1,000,000 ! ( 1 / 14057.1428571 ) * 1,000,000 = 71.138 Hz ! HorFrequency = 64.180; // kHz VerFrequency = 71.138; // Hz ! Obvious ScanType = NONINTERLACED; ! ! Put here the +/-hsync +/-vsync XFree86 options ! HorSyncPolarity = POSITIVE; VerSyncPolarity = POSITIVE; ! Shouldn't change CharacterWidth = 8; // pixels ! DOT_CLK here PixelClock = 105.000; // MHz ! ! ! horizontal timings section: [usec] ! HorTotalTime = D / DOT_CLK = 15.619; HorAddrTime = A / DOT_CLK = 11.124; HorBlankStart = A / DOT_CLK = 11.124; HorBlankTime = HorTotalTime - HorBlankStart = 4.495; HorSyncStart = B / DOT_CLK = 11.962; HorSyncTime = C / DOT_CLK - HorSyncStart = 2.743; ! ! vertical timings section: [msec] ! VerTotalTime = ( HorTotalTime * d ) / 1000 = 14.057; VerAddrTime = ( HorTotalTime * a ) / 1000 = 13.682; VerBlankStart = ( HorTotalTime * a ) / 1000 = 13.682; VerBlankTime = VerTotalTime - VerBlankStart = 0.375; VerSyncStart = ( HorTotalTime * b ) / 1000 = 13.698; VerSyncTime = ( HorTotalTime * ( c - b ) ) / 1000 = 0.219 ! Finished !
Now you have to put this newly created mode in the files shown below in the appropriate place.