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4. Fixing up things

In the excerpts shown below the -> sign tells you what was modified: do NOT include it in your files!

Monitor entry ( mine is monitors/mfreq/mfreq64.vda)

        "640x480 @ 60Hz",
        "640x480 @ 72Hz",
        "640x480 @ 75Hz",
        "800x600 @ 56Hz",
        "800x600 @ 60Hz",
        "800x600 @ 72Hz",
        "800x600 @ 75Hz",
        "1024x768 Interlaced",
        "1024x768 @ 60Hz",
        "1024x768 @ 70Hz",
        "1024x768 @ 75Hz",
    "1152x900 Interlaced",
        "1152x900 @ 60Hz",
        "1152x900 @ 67Hz",
->      "1168x876 @ 72Hz",
        "1280x1024 Interlaced",
        "1280x1024 @ 60Hz",
    "1600x1200 Interlaced";

Board info file ( mine is boards/s3/764-2.xqa , I wonder why they have nearly all the Hercules boards but not MINE: Terminator 64/Dram )

    BitsPerPixel   = 8;
    MemoryModel    = Packed;
    ColorModel     = Indexed;
    BitsRGB        = 6;
    NumberOfColors = 256;

->  1168x876,

->  1168x876,

If the dot clock is low enough ( NOT in this case for my board ) you can put the entry even in the 16bpp and 32bpp sec- tions.

The /etc/Xaccel.ini will look something like this

    Board   = "s3/764-2.xqa";
    Monitor = "mfreq/mfreq64.vda";
    Depth   = 8;
->  Desktop = 1168x876;

->      1168x876,

The actual Xinside mode entry in etc/Xtimings

    PreadjustedTimingName = "1168x876 @ 72Hz";

    HorPixel          = 1168;          // pixels
    VerPixel          = 876;           // lines
    PixelWidthRatio   = 4;
    PixelHeightRatio  = 3;
    HorFrequency      = 64.024;        // kHz
    VerFrequency      = 71.138;        // Hz
    ScanType          = NONINTERLACED;
    HorSyncPolarity   = POSITIVE;
    VerSyncPolarity   = POSITIVE;
    CharacterWidth    = 8;             // pixels
    PixelClock        = 105.000;       // MHz
    HorTotalTime      = 15.619;        // (usec) =  205 chars
    HorAddrTime       = 11.124;        // (usec) =  146 chars
    HorBlankStart     = 11.124;        // (usec) =  146 chars
    HorBlankTime      =  4.495;        // (usec) =   59 chars
    HorSyncStart      = 11.962;        // (usec) =  157 chars
    HorSyncTime       =  2.743;        // (usec) =   36 chars
    VerTotalTime      = 14.057;        // (msec) =  900 lines
    VerAddrTime       = 13.682;        // (msec) =  876 lines
    VerBlankStart     = 13.682;        // (msec) =  876 lines
    VerBlankTime      =  0.375;        // (msec) =   24 lines
    VerSyncStart      = 13.698;        // (msec) =  877 lines
    VerSyncTime       =  0.219;        // (msec) =   14 lines

You can check your conversion by running the vgaset program with no parameters while running the Xinside server: it will output an XFree-like line and, if everything went OK, this line will be equal to the line you started from ( except if b and c are equal, I haven't been able to reproduce this situation in Xinside: the best case was c=b+1 ).

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