"Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"

The Answer Guy

By James T. Dennis,
Starshine Technical Services, http://www.starshine.org/

(?)tn3270 security

From Art Blair on 25 Jun 1998

When I try to use tn3270 or X3270 on my redhat 5.0 box to connect to our school's system I get

TELNET Server: Session security is required.
TELNET Server: Good-bye!!!
Connection closed by foreign host.
Is there a different version of tn3270 that has session security or some way to enable it with what I have?

Thanx, Art Blair.

(!)Are you sure you want to be using tn3270 (or x3270) to make this connection? Are you connecting to an IBM mainframe or minicomputer (presumably using the 3270 "block mode" --- full-screen protocol --- and EBCDIC)?

Also does your site use Kerberos or some form of SNA security (encryption or host-to-host authentication)?

The sad fact is that I know nothing about 3270 emulation or about the SNA protocols. You'll want to contact your site admin or help desk to find out more about their requirements. They should also be able to let you know if there are any freely available client/terminal emulation packages that are suitable for use with their facilities.

(?)please do not publish my email address or use it for advertising

(!)We usually strip out e-mail addresses from the published version of the column.

Copyright © 1998, James T. Dennis
Published in Linux Gazette Issue 30 July 1998

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