"The Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"

(?) The Answer Guy (!)

By James T. Dennis,
LinuxCare, http://www.linuxcare.com/

(?) MATCH and Replaceable Parameters in procmail

From Nick Moffitt on Sat, 01 May 1999

(?) So, here's one for the answer guy.

I have a mhonarc user that creates drop points for a mhonarc script to walk by every night and process. Thing is, I don't want to have to edit the mhonarc user's .procmailrc every single time. That is, let's say that I have the following:

* ^Sender: owner-potato-peelers

* ^Sender: owner-onion-skinners

Is there some way that I can automate this format? e.g.:

* ^Sender: owner-\([^@]+\)

This likely breaks procmail's own regex syntax, but you get the point. "Anything that has an owner-foo Sender header should go to spool/foo."

(!) Nick,
You have the right idea but, as you've guessed, the wrong syntax. The answer is to use the MATCH variable and the \/ (fencepost) operator as described in this excerpt from the procmailrc(5) man page:
       MATCH       This variable is assigned to by procmail when-
                   ever  it is told to extract text from a match-
                   ing regular expression.  It will  contain  all
                   text  matching the regular expression past the
                   `\/' token.
So, your recipe would look something like:
* ^Sender: owner-\/.*
(though I haven't tested this specifically).

(?) procmail and saved variables.

From Nick Moffitt on Sun, 2 May 1999

[Jim Dennis said] So, your recipe would look something like:

* ^Sender: owner-\/.*

(though I haven't tested this specifically).

(!) I have! It works like a charm.

Copyright © 1999, James T. Dennis
Published in The Linux Gazette Issue 42 June 1999
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