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From dana gillen
Answered By Jonathan Markevich, Chris Gianakopoulos, Breen Mullins, Huibert Alblas, Heather Stern
Can you tell me what PCMICIA stands for? Thanks!
[Jonathan] Sure. "People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms". (You have an extra "I" in there)
Seriously, I believe it's "Personal Computer Memory Card Inter... ..." Uh, I forget the "A", thus proving the previous statement.
However, they've since ditched the obscure acronym and now call it "PC Card", since "Memory" was very rarely what it was about.
[Chris G.] The "A", I believe, stands for association.
[Breen] PCMCIA = Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
- A good resource for ATDA (All Those Dratted Acronyms) is the Babel File:
[Huibert] Hi, my first post to Tag (here it comes
In Gnome is a litle utility called Gdict (Foot->utilities->Gdict) If you go to Settings->preferences->Server->Database you can select V.E.R.A. (Virual Entity of Relevant Acronyms) It's great for looking up Acronyms (Accept the 'wrong' or funny ones are not listed, is there a place those are listed)
Hope I could help
[Heather] Yes, funny ones that have been gathered into hacker lore can be found in The Jargon File:
...although, oddly enough, this one isn't in there. We'll have to fix that!
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